Westward Ho! — 17 June 2015

(Note: Since I have not been able to get reliable internet to upload to my blog, I plan to batch upload when I can connect. If you want to read the post in order look at the date in the title. Use the side bar or menu to find a listing of posts.)

I planned to make it to South Dakota from my home in North Carolina in two and half days. After arriving in Nashville, TN the first night I set out for the northwest corner of Missouri for the second night.

Parthenon, Centennial Park, Nashville, TN

Parthenon, Centennial Park, Nashville, TN

A mere 7 miles from my hotel in Nashville, I visited Centennial Park (add link) where a replica of the Parthenon sits bordering a small lake. A beautiful setting and wonderful weather made the 1 mile walk around the lake a great place to start the day. The park itself was uncrowded at 7am with the occasional runner passing me by. The only disruption of the peacefulness was Ari’s occasional barking at the seemingly never-ending squirrel population.

Stopping in Illinois for some birding, I left US-45 for Mermet Lake State Fish & Wildlife Area (add link). I’m sure this place with its long circular drive around the lake would be fantastic for year-round wildlife watching. Alas, I visited during the hottest part of the day and overhead sun. A variety of habitats from freshwater, marsh and grassland allowed me to view a wide range of species but not in large quantities.

Due to rainy conditions I drove directly from Illinois to Big Lake State Park in Missouri. I arrived just before sunset and set up my tent under a beautiful sunset.