Bring on 2019!

Hopefully, 2019 will be as exciting, if not more, than the last!

In 2018, I
– Got my CDL for bus driving.
– Taught AP Environmental Science, and I had a blast!
– Got to visit Boston for the first time, for a teacher conference. (I love conferences!)
– Planned and executed an awesome spring birding trip to Texas for my mom, a friend and I.
– Attended my cousin’s wedding in May on Ocracoke Island.
– Took a last-minute road trip to Maine in July.
– Took on a new role at work, becoming a mentor to new teachers.
– Finally got my application for teacher forgiveness accepted for 1 of my student loans.
– Paid off a 2nd student loan with a lump sum from savings, leaving me with just 3 left!
– Saw my net worth move into the black!
– Earned a bonus at work for last year’s performance.
– Saw 78 new bird species, bringing my world list total to 430 species. (Although one more might be added once I finish processing some last-minute photos.)

Unfortunately, not all of 2018 was good. In August I had to say goodbye to Tuck. He would have been 15 in October. I am still heartbroken and miss him terribly. An unexpected death in the family this fall also darkened the end of the year. Now, during the holidays, their absence is felt even more. Earlier this week I also recieved some bad news during some routine bloodwork. Will find out more about that later.


In 2019, I will attempt to visit all 42 of North Carolina’s state parks. Also in the works, is a summer trip to the Philippines with a friend. When I return, I hope to seriously pursue my dream of becoming a homeowner. I’ll probably tack on a cheap(er) birdwatching trip either in the spring or winter as well. Where? Who knows…

Last, but not least, I hope to be writing more posts this year!