Grand Tetons

Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming was an excellent area for hiking and wildlife viewing without the crowds like Yellowstone. While still busy, once I left for the trails, the crowds became non-existent.

Pronghorn Jenny Lake Rd. Grand Tetons NP

Jenny Lake Rd.
Grand Tetons NP

The highlights of my time here were my hike through Cascade Canyon and wildlife watching on Oxbow Bend. I took the boat across Jenny Lake at 0715 which was $15 for a round-trip. They stamped my hand as proof of the round-trip purchase. (I’m not sure this is the greatest way to indicate you’ve purchased a return ticket as my stamp wasn’t legible when I got back several hours later.) Cascade Canyon hike is most difficult at its beginning when most of the elevation gained over the entire trail occurs within the first mile. The trail splits and you decide to go left to Inspiration Point or right to continue through the canyon. Continuing through the canyon, the trail is a rolling, slightly uphill climb, but not overly strenuous. I hiked 4.5 miles to the fork and considered pushing on to Lake Solitude. I talked with other hikers on the trail about the condition and elevation gain and decided against it for this time. Maybe next time? The hike back to Jenny Lake was very pleasant and I even got a little rain at the lake.

Cascade Canyon Trail Grand Tetons NP

Cascade Canyon Trail
Grand Tetons NP

Oxbow Bend, on the western part of the park between the Jackson Lake and Moran Junctions was probably the best place I found to look for birds. Here I found a large flock of American White Pelicans and Common Mergansers. This location was also excellent for sunrise reflection shots when I didn’t get up early enough to make it to Schwabacher Landing, another great location I’d recommend that doesn’t get as busy.

Oxbow Bend Grand Tetons NP

Oxbow Bend
Grand Tetons NP

The road leaving the park that parallels the mountain range offers views of most of the large wildlife found in the area. Concentrations of bison and pronghorn were often at the Snake River Overlook during my time there. Mormon Row was pretty, but in my opinion a little underwhelming considering the iconic shot I have seen from this location. Continuing up Antelope Flats Rd. towards Shadow Mountain Rd. offers some great areas for panoramic photography and breathtaking views of most of the entire range.

Antelope Flats Grand Tetons NP

Antelope Flats
Grand Tetons NP