Dec Birding Report – Day 2, part 2

Okay, I am running quite late reporting on my December trip. In my last post I mentioned that a nice couple we met at Pea Island NWR told us about a photography hide on the northern end of North Pond. We ate a late lunch at the hotel and downloaded photos from our morning hike. Afterwards, we headed out again for the photography hide.

A beautiful sunset was developing as we headed south. We did not have a lot of time, but we stopped off at Bodie Island Lighthouse for a peek at the observation deck overlooking the pond and marsh. This area is accessed from a boardwalk to the far left of the lighthouse. Superb directional lighting on feeding Northern Shovelers and Pintails was a nice treat.

Northern Shoveler
Bodie Island Lighthouse Pond
Dec. 2016

Northern Pintail
Bodie Island Lighthouse Pond
Dec. 2016

Northern Pintail
Bodie Island Lighthouse Pond
Dec. 2016

After spending about 30 minutes here we headed back to the photography blind on the North Pond. I was very happy to find the Marbled Godwit again. Two of them were close to the blind, feeding among a large flock of Avocet. The lighting was not ideal because most of the birds were back-lit. We stayed until just before sunset to observe the birds.

Marbled Godwit
Pea Island NWR
Dec. 2016

Marbled Godwit
Pea Island NWR
Dec. 2016

Marbled Godwit
Pea Island NWR
Dec. 2016

Pea Island NWR
Dec. 2016

American Avocet (B&W)
Pea Island NWR
Dec. 2016